Maiden voyage and failure and solution so far
Well after a year of planing and working on this 83 Pace Arrow the maiden voyage lasted only 30 minutes, after leaving home the motor-home broke down just 30 minutes from home, after overheating after the first climb and after pulling over to allow it to cool I lost all power and had to have it towed home after a 5 hour wait with coach-net. We ended up getting home only to throw as much as possible into our vintage 55 Crown travel trailer and headed toward Texas again just to again break down just before we crossed into Arizona, the hitch lost it's Lynch pin and separated from the truck, dumping the trailer onto the middle of the street.
Well we got to Texas only a day behind schedule, and made it home yesterday. so the motor-home was a total failure. I will check to see if I can discover the problem this week end, and plan to make another major repair, and if that too fails in the same way this trip did, we will get rid of it, being more than 10 grand down. We hope it doesn't end this way. It was a total disasterWell after everything was said and done I ended up spending another $1200,
getting it smog and my mechanic told me that they solved my belt problem also they told me that the smog pump was bad and that the pulley was moving forward and backward on the shaft and that was the cause of my belt problem, so far I have not tested it very far, not wanting to have to get towed home again but so far the belts don't squeal as much and after a running the engine and driving it around town a 1/2 hours at a time I have not throw or broken that belt again so I hope the problem has been solved, but I still must risk taking her out of town to insure it has been solved, I would just hate to break down again and then towed to a shop I have no relationship with, but I guess that is the breaks.
Regardless I will have to find another mechanic in town to work on my motor home being I no longer feel comfortable with my current one because of my last experience
It is all but impossible to find a local shop open on Saturday's the only day I can take her in.
THE RESTORATION PROJECT CONTINUES,we are currently in the make or break mode, we so much want to be able to get some enjoyment from this motor-home, but unless we can feel conformable she can make it out of town she is useless to us, and it must be weight how much more money are we wiling to invest to keep that dream alive. Being this has been our first attempt to own a motor-home we have reach a threshold, that we must now overcome.
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